Reliable and Mobile...
An industry leader since 1997, Coatings 2000 Ltd is recognized throughout Western Canada for our Superior corrosion protection services in virtually all industries. Our Management, staff and team of highly experienced professionals are committed to safety, quality and customer satisfaction by continuously upgrading our line of equipment and our employees skills through education and training. We strive in maintaining our reputation as industry leaders by surpassing our customers expectations with top quality workmanship and professionalism.
Mobile Abrasive Blasting Trucks
Mobile Soda Blasting Trucks
High-Performance Tank Linings
Vessel Coating
Powder Coating
Fusion Bonded Pipe Coating
Professional Certifications

Exceeding Industry Standards
Since Coatings 2000 Ltd.’s inception, we have remained committed to constantly diversifying and expanding our mobile on-site services to meet or exceed all current industry standards. We achieve this by only using the most up-to-date equipment available, as well as the industry’s leading brand-name paints. Our clients can feel some peace of mind in knowing that all of our equipment is modern and reliable, performing well in all types of weather conditions.